Ingredients 3/4 cups Blackberry Lavender WONF 1 cup milk 1 cup cream 3 egg yolks 1/4 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract Prep Instructions Combine milk, cream, vanilla and Blackberry Lavender WONF and bring to boil. Whisk yolks and sugar to pale yellow color. Temper yolk mixture with cream mixture and combine. Churn in gelato […]

Ingredients 58 grams Northwest Naturals Red Raspberry Juice Concentrate WONF 244 grams water 156 grams sugar 657 grams non-fat raspberry yogurt 120 grams heavy cream Prep Instructions Combine all ingredients and mix. Transfer to ice cream freezer. When mix has partially frozen, transfer to molds and freeze for 24 hours.

Ingredients 525 grams Northwest Naturals Gooseberry WONF #74871 1,000 grams water 100 grams St. Germain liquor 100 grams agave syrup 2.9 grams TIC Gum ICE-200 Prep Instructions Combine all ingredients. Place in an ice cream maker set to Sorbet. Store in the freezer once solidified.

Ingredients 1.84 ounces Northwest Naturals Jalapeño Lime Cilantro WONF (#57162) 4.37 ounces water 1.84 ounces sugar (Type 78) 1/2 tsp TIC Stabilizer ICE Prep Instructions Mix water and Jalapeño Lime Cilantro WONF together. Slowly whisk in TIC Stabilizer (gum). Add sugar and blend until product is fluid and in solution. Add to ice cream maker […]

Ingredients 1/2 cup Northwest Naturals Pomegranate Juice Concentrate WONF 1/4 cup Tree Top Pear Juice Concentrate 3 1/2 cups water Prep Instructions Mix together juice concentrates with water until well blended. Fill top half of 24 Popsicle molds with mixture and freeze at a 45 degree angle until firm. Yogurt Base: Ingredients 1/4 cup Tree […]